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New pricing for Microsoft 365

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August 19, 2021

New pricing for Microsoft 365

By Jared Spataro, Corporate Vice President for Microsoft 365Share

Today we are announcing changes to our commercial pricing for Microsoft 365—the first substantive pricing update since we launched Office 365 a decade ago. This updated pricing reflects the increased value we have delivered to our customers over the past 10 years. Let’s take a look at some of the innovations we’ve delivered over the past decade in three key areas—communications and collaboration, security and compliance, and AI and automation—as well as the addition of audio conferencing capabilities that we’re announcing today.

A decade of continuous innovation

Since its launch a decade ago, Office 365 has grown to over 300 million commercial paid seats. Along the way, we have continuously re-invested to meet the changing needs of our customers. Four years ago, we introduced Microsoft 365 to bring together the best of Office, Windows, and Enterprise Mobility and Security (EMS). That same year we added Microsoft Teams as the only integrated solution where you can meet, chat, call, collaborate, and automate business processes—right in the flow of work.

In fact, since introducing Microsoft 365 we have added 24 apps1 to the suites—Microsoft Teams, Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate, Stream, Planner, Visio, OneDrive, Yammer, and Whiteboard—and have released over 1,400 new features and capabilities in three key areas.

1. Communication and collaboration. Microsoft Teams is the new front end across work, life, and learning for more than 250 million monthly active users. We launched Teams in 2017 as the only integrated solution where you can meet, chat, call, collaborate, and automate business processes—with the power of the Office apps—all within the flow of work. In 2020 alone we released over 300 new capabilities including Together mode, background effects, large gallery view, raise hand, live reactions, breakout rooms, live captions with speaker attribution, and Fluid components, just to name a few.

We introduced a new category of collaborative applications in Teams, empowering people and organizations for hybrid work through deep integrations with Power Platform, Whiteboard, Lists, Planner, Shifts, Forms, and SharePoint. Companies like Adobe, Atlassian, Salesforce, SAP, ServiceNow, and Workday have built apps that deeply integrate with Teams, bringing business processes and functions directly into the flow of work.

We continue to innovate on both real-time and asynchronous collaboration. We introduced real-time collaboration in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint desktop apps while a growing set of capabilities like @mentions, assign tasks, modern comments, and auto-save have streamlined the collaboration experience. We’ve added and expanded OneDrive cloud storage and the Exchange Online mailboxes.

2. Security and compliance. The cybersecurity landscape is more complex than ever. With the accelerating volume, sophistication, and scale of cyberattacks, security and compliance are a priority for every organization. Since we first introduced Microsoft 365, we have added new attack surface reduction capabilities to help organizations defend against ransomware and other threats. We have added capabilities like data loss prevention (DLP) for email and documents, sensitivity labels, and message encryption to help keep important data within the organization. And we have added powerful compliance capabilities that help organizations reduce risk and respond to increasing regulatory requirements such as Content Search, eDiscovery, and core Litigation Hold. Built-in mobile device management (MDM) and other management tools like Microsoft Endpoint Manager help admins support remote and hybrid workforces.

3. AI and automation. Over the past decade, we have infused AI capabilities across our productivity and collaboration applications to help everyone achieve more. Across Microsoft 365, we have introduced AI-powered innovations to help users be better writers, designers, and presenters. Cloud-powered AI now automatically creates maps, charts, and tables in Excel, and sorts email and removes clutter in Outlook. And AI-powered real-time translation, captions, and transcription make collaboration and communication more accessible and engaging for everyone.

Extending audio conferencing capabilities

And today, we are announcing that we will add unlimited dial-in capabilities for Microsoft Teams meetings across our enterprise, business, frontline, and government suites over the next few months. Even as cloud connectivity increases, we know that people join Teams meetings while they are on the go or struggling with a bad internet connection. Currently included with Microsoft 365 E5 and Office 365 E5, we have come to see dial-in as an important part of the complete Teams experience. Available with subscription in over 70 countries and with interactive support in 44 languages and dialects, unlimited dial-in provides peace of mind that users will be able to join their Microsoft Teams meeting from virtually any device regardless of location.

New pricing

The pricing changes we are announcing today will go into effect in six months. On March 1, 2022, we will update our list pricing for the following commercial products: Microsoft 365 Business Basic (from $5 to $6 per user), Microsoft 365 Business Premium (from $20 to $22), Office 365 E1 (from $8 to $10), Office 365 E3 (from $20 to $23), Office 365 E5 (from $35 to $38), and Microsoft 365 E3 (from $32 to $36). These increases will apply globally with local market adjustments for certain regions. There are no changes to pricing for education and consumer products at this time.

As leaders around the world look to empower their people for a more flexible, hybrid world of work, it’s clear that every organization will need a new operating model across people, places, and processes. We’re committed to building on the value we’ve delivered over the past decade to continuously provide innovation that helps our customers succeed and thrive today and well into the future.

1At launch in June 2011, Office 365 included Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Lync, Exchange, and InfoPath. We’ve since expanded to add other apps – in whole or in part – and entirely new capabilities including: Access, Bookings, Delve, Forms, GroupMe, Kaizala, Lens, Lists, OneDrive, OneNote Class Notebook, Planner, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Publisher, SharePoint, Staff Hub, Stream, Sway, Teams, To-Do, Visio, Whiteboard, and Yammer.

Arcserve UDP Community Edition

Get premium protection 

Today’s business environment is challenging and confusing. Protecting your data shouldn’t be. That’s why Arcserve is offering UDP Community Edition – for FREE.

With UDP Community Edition, you gain access to Premium Edition* capabilities of UDP and can protect an unlimited number of workloads – up to 1 TB total.

Back up data from almost any source—Windows or Linux machines, virtual machines (VMware or Hyper-V), cloud instances, NAS, Microsoft Office 365, Exchange and SharePoint (online or on-premises)—with one unified data protection solution.

Pay nothing, get a lot 

Download the software and start protecting your data today. UDP Community Edition gives you almost all the capabilities of our Premium Edition* for free. Here are just some of the benefits of this powerful unified data protection software:

One application, many types of workloads

Unlike competitive systems that require you to download multiple programs to protect different types of workloads—one program for virtual machines, another for Microsoft Office 365 data, another for NAS data, another for AWS data, another for Azure—or limit the number of workloads you can protect for free, UDP Community Edition empowers you do it all with one tool – with up to 1 TB of data protected on-premises for free.

Complete backup with advanced security

Safeguard cloud, virtual, physical, hyperconverged, and SaaS-based workloads with block-level, infinite incremental backups and agentless backup for VMware and Hyper-V. Safeguard data in-flight and at rest with built-in AES/SSL encryption, and ensure security with role-based administration.

Rapid restore

Recover faster with instant VM and bare metal recovery (BMR), local and remote virtual standby, application-consistent backup and granular restore, and hardware snapshot support.

Easy management with robust reporting

Quickly deploy and orchestrate all capabilities with one web-based UI and policy-based management. Automated DR testing and SLA reporting keeps stakeholders informed.

*UDP Community Edition does not include full tape Arcserve Backup support available in the full Premium Edition.

Nebula customers will be updated to our new per-device licensing mode

Starting from March 29, 2021, all Nebula customers will be updated to our new per-device licensing model as our co-termination licensing model will sadly come to an end.Why the change?

  • Simplification is by far the main driver in the change, after receiving a lot of feedback from partners and clients. We have decided to evolve the licensing to become much simpler to understand and manage. The change to per-device licensing allows IT teams to maintain various expiration dates across devices, sites or organizations. Each Organisation can have a single shared expiration which will be manageable through our new Circle licence management platform for channel partners (supporting Nebula later this year).
    Additionally, Nebula Control Center (NCC) Pro Pack licenses will move to flat rate pricing across all product types, making it much simpler for purchasing, managing and renewing.
  • Unification is another factor for our ever evolving platform. As we begin to advance and bring in more sophisticated devices like the USG FLEX series into Nebula, we need to maintain a simple migration path between on-premise (traditional deployments) and our cloud platform. These changes will ensure that we bring a consistent, unified approach to the customer experience both in platform and licensing.
  • Improved Packs This update will also introduce a new Plus Pack that includes a subset of the most commonly requested features for administering sites (from the current Pro Pack) at a much more affordable flat rate price (per device). We will also launch the Managed Service Provider (MSP) Pack that will facilitate cross-org management and help elevate the manageability in Nebula for MSP customers.

What are the changes?

  1. Co-termination Licensing (Point based)Effects Product/sWhat will be changed & HowTakes EffectAll Existing Co-termination (Point Based Licensing) which includes:
    • Annual NCC Pro Pack & NCC Pro Pack Points
    • Annual NSS Security Pack & NSS Security Pack Points
    All licenses will be converted automatically to new per-device based licenses taking the current expiry date of the organisation and applying it to each individual device.
    If you hold a key that has not been activated after the 30th March and before the December 31st 2021 it can be exchanged for a new per-device license. Please contact your local Zyxel team for more information.March 29, 2021
  2. Management & Analytics License/ServiceEffects Product/sWhat will be changedHowNebula Base Pack (Free)
    • The device data and network activity history will be re-adjusted to 24-hour data
    • The Nebula Cloud Authentication Server Users will be re-adjusted to 50 entries
    • Introduction of cloud-saving mode: NCC will automatically deactivate the collection of the traffic stats (except for the device’s event log for troubleshooting) for users who have not logged in over 30 days.
    Per-device licensing must still maintain the same Pack type across the organisation.
    The organisation will be converted to the least compatible Pack, most of the time (Free) Base Pack, after 15-day grace period (license expired) or fixing window (problematic license added) if there are not enough licenses to accommodate the same pack
    For example all device in a Pro Pack must all have a valid Per-device Pro Pack license to maintain Pro Pack features.Nebula Plus Pack (NEW)
    • A new NCC feature set/service that will sit between Base Pack (Free) and Pro Pack
    Nebula Pro Pack
    • Standardisation on Pricing with single part code (SKU) across all product types which includes: Wireless Access Points, Network Switches and Security Gateways.
    • Product Feature set will remain the same/improved as more features are added.
    Nebula Pro Pack Limited Lifetime (LLL)
    • End-of-Sale from March 29, 2021
    • All devices registered with LLL will become Pro Pack but with no expiration date (keeping Lifetime status).
    • Organisation with LLL will become Pro Pack allowing you to add additional Pro Pack Per-device licensing should you need to expand with more devices.
    Organisation will become Pro Pack and will allow you to add additional Pro Pack Per-device licensing. Existing LLL devices will remain Lifetime.
  3. NEW Additional management service for Managed Service Providers (MSPs)Effects Product/sWhat will be changedHowNebula MSP Pack (NEW)
    • New license for NCC with new feature set – License is per user account rather than per-device and is to be used in conjunction with existing Packs (Base/Plus/Pro)
    • Allows for cross-ORG management features; including existing MSP Portal (from Base Pack), MSP branding (from Pro Pack) and new up-and-coming features such as Admins and teams management, Cross-organizational synchronization and more to come.
    Up to 3-month trial is available upon request or automatically.
    Please contact your local Zyxel team for more information.
  4. Security License/Service (NSG Series)Effects Product/sWhat will be changedHowNebula Security Services (NSS) Security Pack
    • No changes to services – the service will change from points based to per-device licensing.
    • NSS-SP 2/4 Year License are no longer available.
    Change from Point Based to Per-device will be converted automatically to new per-device based licenses taking the current expiry date of the organisation and applying it to each individual device.
  5. NEW Security License/Service (USG FLEX series)Effects Product/sWhat will be changedHowUTM Security Pack on Nebula (NEW)Introduction of new security service for USG Flex hardware supporting:
    • UTM
    • Analytics, Reporting & Response
    • Security Profile Synchronization

    Introduction of new licensed service along with the support for USG FLEX hardware within Nebula.
    With many more features to be added later in the year.Secure WiFi on Nebula (NEW)Introduction of new service for selected Wireless Access Points (AP) to support a direct tunnel from AP to a remote USG FLEX Gateway.
    Supporting a simplified approach to extending your office environment to end point users in remote or WFH environments.

Arcserve UDP Universal Licensing

Arcserve Unified Data Protection (UDP) kombiniert branchenerprobte Disaster Recovery-, Backup- und echte globale Deduplizierungstechnologien zu einer All-in-One-Lösung, die alle Datenschutzfunktionen bietet, die Unternehmen benötigen. Mit einer wirklich universellen Lizenzierung ermöglicht Arcserve UDP den Schutz ganzer IT-Umgebungen ohne versteckte
Kosten oder Überraschungen.

Was das für Sie bedeutet:

  • Einfach und schnell Angebote für Ihre Kunden erstellen
  • Erhältlich als Standard, Advanced und Premium-Edition
  • Senken Sie die IT-Kosten Ihrer Kunden mit einem der wettbewerbsfähigsten Preismodelle der Branche mit nur 9 SKUs

Vorteile für Ihre Kunden:

  • Arcserve UDP Universal Licensing ist ein Abonnement für die geschützten Daten, basierend auf Front-End-Terabyte.
  • Es umfasst den Schutz aller Daten aus jeder Quelle – einschließlich einer unbegrenzten Anzahl physischer Server und Workstations, virtueller Server mit agentenloser und agentenbasierter Sicherung, Cloud-Instanzen und VMs, Office 365-,
    NAS- und SAN-Geräten und aller anderen von Arcserve UDP unterstützten Datenquellen.
  • Die Lizenzierung umfasst auch unbegrenzte Aufbewahrung, uneingeschränkte Wiederherstellungen, das Kopieren von Sicherungen an sekundäre Speicherorte oder öffentliche Clouds für die Notfallwiederherstellung.


Office versions and connectivity to Office 365 services

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Starting on October 13, 2020, only these versions of Office will be supported for connecting to Office 365 (and Microsoft 365) services:

  • Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (previously named Office 365 ProPlus)
  • Microsoft 365 Apps for business (previously named Office 365 Business)
  • Office 2019, such as Office Professional Plus 2019
  • Office 2016, such as Office Standard 2016

Examples of Office 365 services include Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business.


We won’t take any active measures to block other versions of the Office client, such as Office 2013, from connecting to Office 365 services, but these older clients may encounter performance or reliability issues over time.

Impact of using older Office clients to connect to Office 365 services

After October 13, 2020, ongoing investments to our cloud services will not take into account older Office clients. Over time, these Office clients may encounter performance or reliability issues. Organizations that use these older clients will almost certainly face an increased security risk and may find themselves out of compliance depending upon specific regional or industry requirements.

Therefore, administrators should update older Office clients to versions of Office supported for connecting to Office 365 services.

Upgrade resources available to administrators

We recommend that you upgrade older Office clients to a subscription version of the Office client, such as Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. The most up-to-date subscription versions of the Office client are always supported connecting to Office 365 services.

We provide various services to help you upgrade to subscription versions of the Office client. The following list provides some examples of resources that are available:

Retirement of TLS 1.0 and 1.1

After October 15, 2020, you must be using at least TLS 1.2 to connect to Office 365 services. For more information, see TLS 1.0 and 1.1 deprecation for Office 365 and Preparing for TLS 1.2 in Office 365 and Office 365 GCC.

Basic authentication with Exchange Online

There are some changes planned related to the use of Basic Authentication with Exchange Online. For more information, see Basic Authentication and Exchange Online – April 2020 Update.

Additional information about connectivity to Office 365 services

  • Versions of Office 2019 and Office 2016 are supported until October 2023.
  • Connecting to Office 365 services using Office 2016 for Mac isn’t supported after October 13, 2020. That’s because Office 2016 for Mac reaches end of support on that date.
  • This information about connecting to Office 365 services also applies to Project and Visio.
  • This information about connecting to Office 365 services does not apply to InfoPath 2013 or SharePoint Designer 2013.
  • For end of support dates for different versions of Office on various versions of Windows, see the Office configuration support matrix.
  • To discuss or learn more about end of support for Office versions, visit Microsoft Office End of Support on the Microsoft Tech Community.