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Microsoft requires security vendors to sign binaries using ACS. WFBS (On-Premises) and WFBS-SVC will be changing to this new certificate accordingly. However, a minimal update of the Microsoft KB will be required to support this new certificate.
Customers who do not have the minimum OS build/patch of Microsoft Windows after February 18, 2023 may encounter the following errors:
- Agent Program and Services may not work properly.
- There will be a reporting issue between the Windows Security Center (WSC) and the Trend Micro Security Agent which could result to the agent co-existing with Windows Defender. This could possibly lead to slow login, application lockup, or machine unresponsiveness.
To prevent this situation, Trend Micro will add a mechanism to the products to check whether ACS is already supported on the machine. If minimum OS build/patch of Microsoft Windows is not applied, it will prevent security agent fresh installation and agent hot fix after February 18, 2023.
Check Mechanism Release Schedule
- Worry-Free Business Security Services (WFBS-SVC): January 9, 2022 Hot fix Maintenance
- Worry-Free Business Security (On-Premises): To be included in all patches released after Patch 2459.
Customers who will be performing an update or install newer builds released after February 18, 2023 must have applied a minimum Microsoft Windows patch depending on the version of Windows you have deployed mentioned on the article, IMPORTANT BULLETIN: Trend Micro Server and Endpoint Protection Agent Minimum Windows Version Requirements for Updated Binaries After Mid-February 2023.
Customers who have questions are encouraged to contact Trend Micro Technical Support for further assistance.